Download Small Things Like These (Hollywood Movie)
Set in 1985 during Christmas in a small Irish town, Small Things Like These follows coal merchant Bill Furlong (Cillian Murphy), who struggles to provide for his family. While making a routine delivery to a local convent, Bill uncovers dark and harrowing secrets tied to the Magdalene Laundries. The discovery forces him to grapple with the town’s complicity and confront his own past, challenging his moral compass in the face of silence and power wielded by the Catholic Church.
Title: Small Things Like These (2024)
Genre: Drama, Historical
Director: Tim Mielants
Screenwriter: Enda Walsh (adapted from Claire Keegan’s novella)
Runtime: 99 minutes
Cast: Cillian Murphy, Emily Watson, Michelle Fairley, Eileen Walsh, Clare Dunne, Helen Behan
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