Download All The Lost Ones (Hollywood Movie)
Set in a dystopian future, a civil war breaks out across North America due to strict government measures addressing climate change. Nia, her sister Penny, and her boyfriend Ethan seek refuge in isolation, but their safety is jeopardized when a militia leader and his followers arrive, forcing them into a life-threatening confrontation
Title: All The Lost Ones (2024)
Genre: Sci-fi Thriller
Director: Mackenzie Donaldson
Runtime: 105 minutes
Platform: Limited theatrical release
Set in a dystopian future, a civil war breaks out across North America due to strict government measures addressing climate change. Nia, her sister Penny, and her boyfriend Ethan seek refuge in isolation, but their safety is jeopardized when a militia leader and his followers arrive, forcing them into a life-threatening confrontation
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