Download Exit (Korean Movie)
A thrilling and comedic disaster film, *Exit* revolves around Yong-nam (Jo Jung-suk), an unemployed rock climber, and his college crush Eui-joo (Im Yoon-ah). Together, they must use their climbing skills to escape a deadly toxic gas engulfing the city.
Title: Exit (2019)
Genre: Action, Comedy, Disaster
Runtime: 103 min – Rating: 7.0 (Rotten Tomatoes: 83%)
Director: Lee Sang-geun
Cast: Jo Jung-suk, Im Yoon-ah, and Kang Ki-young
Box Office: The movie was a massive hit, grossing over $69 million worldwide, with 9.4 million admissions in South Korea alone. It became one of the highest-grossing films of 2019 in Korea.
Critical Acclaim: *Exit* was praised for its unique blend of comedy, thrilling action sequences, and heartwarming themes. Critics highlighted the chemistry between the leads and its family-friendly appeal. It received several awards, including the Popular Star Award for Im Yoon-ah and technical accolades for stunts and cinematography.
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