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Download Bagman (Hollywood Movie)


In the dark horror film BAGMAN, a family finds themselves ensnared in a nightmare as they are hunted by a malevolent, mythical creature. For centuries and across cultures, parents have warned their children of the legendary Bagman, who snatches innocent children and stuffs them into his vile, rotting bag-never to be seen again. Patrick McKee (Sam Claflin) narrowly escaped such an encounter as a boy, which left him with lasting scars throughout his adulthood. Now, Patrick’s childhood tormentor has returned, threatening the safety of his wife Karina (Antonia Thomas) and son Jake (Caréll Rhoden).

Title: Bagman (2024)

Genre: Horror

Runtime: 92 min    –    Rating: 5.7

Director: Colm McCarthy

Cast: Sam ClaflinSteven CreeAntonia Thomas


Bagman (2024) Official Trailer - Sam Claflin, Antonia Thomas

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(Hollywood Movie)

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