Download Going Dutch S01 (Tv Series)
“Going Dutch” is a comedy series that follows Colonel Patrick Quinn (played by Denis Leary), a loudmouth Army officer who, after an outburst, is reassigned to a small U.S. military base in the Netherlands. The base, USAG Stroopsdorf, has little military purpose, focusing more on trivial matters like laundry and cheese than any real combat missions.
Things become even more complicated for Quinn as he finds himself under the command of his estranged daughter, Captain Maggie Quinn. The show explores their awkward, comedic attempts to work together while navigating their strained family dynamics in a quirky, culturally different setting.
The first episode features preparations for a local festival, the Tulip Festival, which sets the stage for possible cultural mishaps and humorous situations
Title: Going Dutch (2025)
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: n/A – Rating: 6
Cast: Laci Mosley, Hal Cumpston, Dempsey Bryk
Status : Ongoing
Download Size
These videos are around 60 MB
Season 1
Video Codec
Video is encoded in x265 and it may not play on some phones without VLC or MX video player. It might not play on some TVs