Download Odessa (2025) (Hollywood Movie)
A farm girl embarks on an epic quest to recover a cherished family heirloom in the post-apocalyptic future. Her journey soon leads her to a strange and dangerous city where she meets her one true love. However, in order to save his soul, she must put the power of destiny and music to the ultimate test.
Title: Odessa (2025)
Genre: Action, Thriller, Drama
Release Year: 2025
Country: USA
Language: English
Director: David Leitch
Writer: Taylor Sheridan
Main Cast: Charlize Theron as Odessa Kane, Oscar Isaac as Agent Daniel Cross, Florence Pugh as Lena Volkova, Mahershala Ali as General Carter
Cinematography: Dan Laustsen
Music: Ludwig Göransson
Box Office: – Budget: $80 million – Gross: $150 million (as of March 2025)
*Odessa* was widely praised for its high-octane action sequences, gripping storytelling, and Theron’s powerful performance. However, some critics felt the film’s pacing slowed in the second act.
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