Download The Man For The Job (Nollywood Movie)
Set against the backdrop of Lagos’s booming tech industry, this crime thriller follows Joseph (played by Ibrahim Suleiman), a talented IT specialist who unwittingly becomes embroiled in a major scandal. After helping Zina, a tech-savvy young woman, with her startup’s software issues, Joseph finds himself entangled in a cyber-crime plot. The story explores themes of ambition, deception, and the struggles of balancing family and career, all while showcasing Lagos’s evolving technology scene.
Title: The Man for the Job (2022)
Country: Nigeria
Genre: Drama, Crime, Thriller
Director: Niyi Akinmolayan
Main Cast: Temi Otedola, Ini Edo, Ali Baba, Ibrahim Suleiman, Uzor Arukwe
Reception: The movie received praise for its initial portrayal of the tech world and a unique Nollywood narrative. However, critics noted inconsistencies in the second half, with some scenes feeling unnecessary and the plot becoming overly complex. While the performances by Temi Otedola and Ali Baba were well-received, the movie’s execution drew mixed reactions, earning a moderate reception overall.
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